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What are the precautions for sandblasting processing in Dalian?

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What are the precautions for sandblasting processing in Dalian?

release date:2024-09-20 author: Click:

Sandblasting is an effective surface treatment process that can improve the surface quality of workpieces, increase adhesion, and extend service life. With the continuous advancement of technology, sandblasting processing technology is also constantly innovating and developing, providing better technical support for production in various industries. The advantage of sandblasting processing is that it can achieve uniform surface treatment effect without thermal deformation and discoloration, and is suitable for processing various complex shaped workpieces. In addition, sandblasting can also improve the adhesion and surface quality of the workpiece, extending its service life.

Sandblasting processing is a commonly used surface treatment method for precision components, suitable for devices of various materials and shapes. When conducting sandblasting processing, it is necessary to select appropriate sandblasting materials, particle size, pressure, and process parameters according to the specific requirements of the device to ensure that the final treatment effect meets the requirements. Through sandblasting processing, the surface quality, shape accuracy, and functional performance of precision components can be effectively improved to meet the needs of different industries and fields.

What are the precautions for sandblasting processing in Dalian?

Choose appropriate sandblasting materials: Different sandblasting materials are suitable for different workpiece materials and surface treatment requirements. Common sandblasting materials include quartz sand, steel sand, aluminum sand, etc. When selecting sandblasting materials, the material and processing requirements of the workpiece should be considered to avoid damage to the workpiece.

Control sandblasting pressure and sandblasting volume: The size of sandblasting pressure and sandblasting volume directly affects the processing effect. Excessive sandblasting pressure can cause excessive wear on the surface of the workpiece, while excessive sandblasting can reduce processing efficiency. Therefore, when performing sandblasting processing, it is necessary to adjust the sandblasting pressure and amount reasonably according to the material and processing requirements of the workpiece.

Control the sandblasting angle and distance: The selection of sandblasting angle and distance also has a significant impact on the machining effect. Excessive sandblasting angle can lead to uneven wear on the surface of the workpiece, while excessive sandblasting distance can result in poor machining performance. Therefore, when performing sandblasting, it is necessary to choose the appropriate sandblasting angle and distance to ensure that the surface of the workpiece is uniformly processed.

Using appropriate sandblasting equipment: The quality and performance of sandblasting equipment also have a significant impact on the processing effect. Choose reliable sandblasting equipment to ensure stable operation and improve processing efficiency. At the same time, regularly inspect and maintain sandblasting equipment to ensure that it is in good condition.

Sandblasting is a commonly used surface treatment process that sprays sand particles onto the surface of the workpiece through high-pressure airflow to remove dirt, oxide layers, and rough surfaces. This processing method is widely used for surface treatment of materials such as metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, etc., which can effectively improve the quality of the workpiece surface and enhance its appearance.

The principle of sandblasting is to use high-speed rotating compressed air to spray sand or other abrasive particles onto the surface of the workpiece, grinding away impurities and dirt on the surface, thus achieving the purpose of surface treatment. In practical applications, sandblasting can adjust parameters such as sandblasting pressure, sand particle size, and material as needed to achieve different treatment effects.


URL of this article:http://en.dlxyg.com.cn/news/625.html

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