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What pipeline anti-corrosion problems can Dalian shot blasting process solve?

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What pipeline anti-corrosion problems can Dalian shot blasting process solve?

release date:2024-06-19 author: Click:

Dalian shot blasting is a commonly used surface treatment process, which has the advantages of good cleaning effect and improved surface quality, but also needs to pay attention to environmental protection and equipment operation and maintenance. In actual production, appropriate shot blasting methods and parameters should be selected based on the characteristics and surface requirements of different workpieces to ensure the effectiveness and quality of shot blasting processing.

Shot blasting has a wide range of applications in many industrial fields, such as automotive manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, aerospace, etc. In the automotive manufacturing industry, shot blasting can be used to clean the surface of automotive engine components, remove oxide layers and deposits, and improve the adhesion and coating effect after surface treatment. In the aerospace field, shot blasting can be used to clean and repair the surface of aircraft components, improving their service life and safety.

What pipeline anti-corrosion problems can Dalian shot blasting process solve?

Remove old paint layer: After long-term use, the paint layer of the pipeline may age, peel off, etc., which can cause the metal on the surface of the pipeline to be exposed to external oxygen, moisture, and other chemicals, thereby accelerating the corrosion rate of the pipeline. By shot blasting, the old paint layer can be effectively removed, providing good adhesion for the new anti-corrosion coating.

Removing oxides and dirt: During use, pipelines may be covered with oxides, dirt, and other impurities, which can reduce their anti-corrosion performance and even cause the anti-corrosion layer of the pipeline to peel off. By shot blasting, the oxide and dirt on the surface of the pipeline can be effectively removed, preparing for the next step of anti-corrosion treatment.

Improving surface roughness: The roughness of the pipeline surface is crucial for the adhesion of anti-corrosion coatings. Excessive or insufficient surface roughness can affect the adhesion and durability of anti-corrosion coatings. By shot blasting, the roughness of the pipeline surface can be effectively controlled, ensuring that the anti-corrosion coating can firmly adhere to the pipeline surface.

Increase the service life of anti-corrosion coatings: Shot blasting can provide a clean and smooth surface for anti-corrosion coatings, effectively reducing the peeling and peeling phenomenon of anti-corrosion coatings, extending the service life of anti-corrosion coatings, and reducing the maintenance cost of pipelines.

In shot blasting, selecting appropriate particle materials, particle size, and spraying speed are very important parameters. In general, granular materials can be selected from steel shot, aluminum shot, sand shot, etc. The selection of particle size should be determined based on the material and surface requirements of the workpiece, and the spraying speed should be adjusted according to the condition of the workpiece to achieve better cleaning effect.

The principle of shot blasting is to use a high-speed jet of air with abrasive to collide with the treated surface, thereby removing surface defects and forming a certain roughness on the surface. This high-speed collision process can effectively remove surface oxide layers and dirt, while also enhancing the mechanical properties of the surface, improving surface hardness and wear resistance.


URL of this article:http://en.dlxyg.com.cn/news/619.html

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