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Dalian fast and slow WEDM machining check the accuracy of the wire feeding device

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Dalian fast and slow WEDM machining check the accuracy of the wire feeding device

release date:2020-06-02 author: Click:

Dalian fast and slow wire cutting machine checks the accuracy of the wire feeding device. The wear of the conductive block, the wear and incorrect position of the guide wheel and the decline of the transmission accuracy of the wire storage cylinder will aggravate the jitter of the electrode wire and the irregular jump of the discharge gap, which is easy to cause large current centralized discharge and affect the machining accuracy and surface quality. Therefore, it is necessary to often check whether the conductive block and guide wheel groove are damaged, and check the transmission bearing of the wire storage cylinder for timely replacement.

Dalian fast and slow wire cutting processing. In addition, the molybdenum wire of fast wire walking can be processed back and forth, that is, it can be reused. In addition, it is very important that the processing speed of fast wire walking is fast, that is, the processing efficiency will be relatively high, and the required production cost is relatively low. However, correspondingly, the machining accuracy of fast wire walking machine tool is not as good as that of medium wire walking. The surface roughness of fast wire products is also poor.

The basic principle of EDM is the same as that of EDM. It is also processed by the phenomenon of electric corrosion caused by pulse discharge of workpiece with tool electrode. The positive pole of the pulse power supply is connected to the workpiece and the negative pole is connected to the electrode wire. The electrode wire moves back and forth at a certain speed, and it constantly enters and leaves the discharge area. A certain amount of liquid medium is injected between the electrode wire and the workpiece.

The stepper motor with the worktable and the workpiece move relatively in the horizontal plane, and the pulse discharge occurs between the electrode wire and the workpiece. By controlling the relative motion track and feed speed between the electrode wire and the workpiece, the workpiece with certain shape and size can be cut. Nowadays, the alignment principle of wire cutting is electric contact. That is, add a 12V, 10mA power supply between the wire and the workpiece.

At this time, if the wire and the workpiece are open circuit, the voltage at both ends is 12V. If the wire and the workpiece are in contact and short circuit, the two ends are ov. Of course, there will be a state of a certain resistance value whether they are connected or not. Check the voltage between the wire and the workpiece, amplify and obtain a "1" or "0" judgment signal, so as to start or stop the counter driving and recording the coordinate movement, accumulate the total amount and return 1 / 2, and then complete the centering process.

URL of this article:http://en.dlxyg.com.cn/news/518.html

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